Posts Tagged ‘Sticky’

Welcome to the PROUD PARENTS’ GUIDE blog

Monday, January 4th, 2010

Welcome! My name is Karen Ronney. I am a parent, and an award-winning coach and author. I have worked with thousands of kids in a variety of sports it is an amazing job because there are so many ways to get it right—if you know how to do it. My personal mission is to help kids develop coordination, confidence and all kinds of talent. How? By giving parents, coaches, educators and caring adults information, games, activities and tips to help kids achieve their goals. I believe anything is possible through positive play, effort, desire and dedication.My life experiences as a Mom of three and my career as a professional coach and athlete have provided the stuff to write Proud Parents’ Guide to Raising Athletic, Balanced, and Coordinated Kids: A Lifetime of Benefit in Just 10 Minutes a Day, winner of 34  publishing awards. (Available at It probably helped to have a BA in Journalism and 15 years experience as a sports writer to report the trial-and-error process of raising healthy, balanced and successful kids. And I do mean trial-and-error because the job of parenting and coaching is a work in progress. Kids do not arrive in this world with directions or guide books. Well-intentioned and loving parents have to make it up along the way.

It’s at this point where it makes sense to add a bit of my philosophy: All things happen for a reason. I was a top junior tennis player and a NCAA standout. I did a short stint on the womens’ pro tour in my 20’s, made a (very) tiny splash, and decided perhaps it was time to pursue a real job. After seven “major” changes in college ranging from psychology to graphic design, I ended up in journalism never expecting it to last too long. What did I know!

So one happy marriage, two decades and three kids later, I am still in sports, coaching, teaching and writing about all of the above. I was named the 2009 National Youth Sports Double-Goal Coach of the Year from the Positive Coaching Alliance. I am a National Special Olympics Coach and a National Trainer for the U.S. Tennis Association in the QuickStart and Recreational Coaching Workshop programs.  I am a youth sports camp director, a high school tennis coach and a public school educator. My book Proud Parents’ Guide to Raising Athletic, Balanced, and Coordinated Kids: A Lifetime of Benefit in Just 10 Minutes a Day has won 29 regional and national publishing awards. See About Karen Ronney for more information.

This Proud Parents’ Guide Blog is all about sharing my parenting, coaching and life lessons that I learned the hard way. I hope to make it easier for you to raise your own healthy, intelligent, well-balanced, athletic, artistic, talented and creative kids. (For more information, please see my website at   Enjoy! Got feedback? I’d love to hear it. Share your thoughts on this Blog or at